|> expression to function
Whilst brainstorming branding concepts the idea of using the vertical bar “|” along with the greater “>” symbol to form a new icon to represent the “D” from Dev Detail came from things I’ve been learning whilst programming. The vertical bar is commonly known as the pipe symbol on programming and the greater than symbol is also often used in programming. When put together they are actually used in occasion too and one of those uses is referenced quite recently in February 2021 as an experimental pipeline operator which pipes the value of an expression into a function.
I like the meaning that can be drawn from this seemingly coincidental set of meaning that already exist behind the combination of the two symbols. For example it is experimental for a start. Experimentation accounts for some of the biggest successes in my creativity whether in my photography or willingness to push boundaries and take risks.
The idea of expression and function having a symbiotic relationship is an interesting and apt concept. Expression has purpose, and functions themselves could be seen as a form of expression if you were to really draw an alternative meaning.
The whole idea, concept and execution is all very rough around the edges but it’s a start. I like it as a first logo draft as a concept, and the great thing about it is that it can be typed out with just two keystrokes.